Just Pick a Sport Already!

So, a little over a year ago I had to make a really difficult decision. I was in the best shape I’d been in for years, I’d discovered weightlifting, and I was on the verge of knowing I should probably retire from rugby and I was so confused. Around this time last year I really had some big conversations with myself and I had to make some big decisions (that were really only big to me of course).

I was in the Sayre Park weight room one Saturday morning, and this guy and I were talking about how I liked to crossfit, play rugby, and had discovered weightlifting. I had committed to 1-2 days a week of lifting, and wanted to make sure I could still play or coach my rugby team and but I also wanted to do crossfit 3-4 times a week.  My lifting time was what suffered if I had something else to do. After all I knew I’d be lifting in crossfit. The thing was I didn’t understand how much dedication and hard work this weightlifting “thing” would take and therefore I never gave it the time it needed.  First thing this fellow lifter said to me was, “you can be good at rugby, you can be good at crossfit and you can be good at olympic weightlifting.  However, take note that you will not be able to be GREAT at all of them at the same time.”  Those words stay with me everyday.

OMG, I was going to have to pick something to do! I never had to think about making that decision. Well, there is lifting in crossfit so why can’t I do lifting and crossfit?  I could give up playing rugby as long as I had time to coach my girls. That team means so much to me. So, then I’d coach twice a week and do my crossfit and lifting the other days.

But then as the weeks went on I realized that what everyone was telling me was right. I could not be great at multiple things bc I wouldn’t be able to dedicate the time (both active AND REST) to both. I was getting really tired on my Saturday mornings at Sayre and I realized that it was bc I’d do crossfit on Friday nights! I made the decision to cut back my crossfit and focus more on weightlifting. I just could not fathom leaving my rowfitters though and go to just weightlifting.

I’d not say I’m a great weightlifter yet.  But several months ago in the training cycle leading up to the IL State Meet I decided I’d just do lifting. I’d see what kinds of things I could do if I trained exclusively the snatch, clean and jerk and all the auxillary movements in my program. To my surprise I made big gains in my numbers over that period and went 6 for 6 at that meet. That meet was a big deal for me. It was sort of a turning point. I saw what I could do when I pushed myself. I trained really hard. I made prs.  There were suck days when I failed of course, but overall that time when I concentrated on just lifting really made me a better lifter. I took my rest days when Coach Mark told me to and I stopped the crossfit. And it was a really hard decision. But I really don’t regret it. I’ve got goals, and like I said before, they’re lofty and aggressive and I’m excited. I think I finally picked the right sport for me.

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