Pushing Yourself is the Hardest part


Sometimes the hardest part is pushing yourself. I can push others and somehow find it within me to try and inspire them but who inspires me? Who pushes me because I know I sure don’t push myself.

Kevin likes to put big goals on me but it helps me bc he gives me specific SMART goals and I like it. For example – you will clean and jerk 80 kilos by the time mid ams 2013 and what do you know I hit that exact number. It wasn’t even a surprise to me. I mean don’t get me wrong I’m incredibly excited for my pr’s but I train hard and I really really try. But it’s like well Kevin said I could do it so hey why not. And then my good luck charms Tommy and Lauren – Tommy reminds me that I am only lifting peanuts so why not make it. And my long lost sis Lauren – she believes in me as much as I believe in her and that is enough.

Then there are people that I hear during pr’s and they sound so sincere in thinking I can do it, a hearty “let’s go janet!” and if I let those words in I use them as my energy and I usually make it happen so they’re proud of me!

But then it comes time to set my own goals. And it’s like – I put these imaginary walls and borders up for myself and I’m slowly learning that it’s not greedy to get multiple pr’s. There is nothing wrong with a 10.5 kilo pr in front squat though it’s probably weird. Ha.  But Kevin gave me a goal of a 90 clean and jerk by spring and a 300 lb back squat by summer. I’m going to try really hard to achieve all that.

So if you see me with my walls up help me break them down. Everyone deserves to try to get to their potential and surpass it!  I built my walls might high and strong, but I know that once I start believing more in myself I will be able to do so much more. My mind is powerful, it sure does hold me back at times, it’s time to start pushing myself.

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