No More Cookies. Please.

Not trying to be a cliché over here, but I literally could not exercise any kind of restraint over the holidays. There was one day, I’m pretty sure it was Christmas Day or maybe the day after Christmas when I sat at my mom’s kitchen table and shoved 20 kolachky cookies into my mouth and then proceeded to eat 2 raspberry bars. And because of that I have perpetual boo boo belly. No, not only that…I could go on and on about the junk I’ve eaten but that’s over. Things have calmed after the holiday bustle kind of….I mean it did just snow 2 feet, and it’s now negative degrees outside…so maybe not that calm.

Anyway, it is time to lock it up. I personally am not feeling good ever and so I’m just ready to feel better. I’m ready for my lifts to be better. And I’m ready to start dropping some weight so I rock my wedding dress! =)

This weekend was pr day at Sayre for snatch and clean and jerk. However, I did not make my prs. I did get very very close, and I hit some heavy lifts, but I did not pr. I’m not mad because I was so excited for my friends to pr. But I felt a bit left out. I didn’t get any high fives, and I didn’t get to scream for myself. I know that there were other factors that the world does not need to know about, but still, I was a little bummed. It’s ok, don’t feel bad for me, there’s a meet in 2 weeks and I hope to do some awesome lifting there.

So, I was thinking about resolutions, goals, all the people who will be in the gym tonight, etc. and I think I just want to make a goal for myself based on what my friend Kevin told me – he would like to see 71/93 out of me in 2014. I like those numbers for several reasons. 71 kilo is what I clean and jerked last spring and it means reds in competition. 93 is an awesome number because it is over 200 lbs. it’s always helpful for me in particular to have others who I work with regularly give me numbers to shoot for. I’m not always the best goal setter and I don’t always push myself – others do that for me better than I do!

Alright, it’s settled. Here’s to staying on my journey to 75 kilo weight class and adding some of that weight that I lose onto the ends of my barbells.